About Sara

Hi!  Thank you for visiting.  Pull up a cozy chair and a warm cup of tea.  My name is Sara Rose DeAloia.  I recently earned my certificate in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, have studied with Andrea Nakayama in the Holistic Nutrition Lab/Full Body Systems program and am currently enrolled in a training called HTMA Experts.  I’m actively building a health coaching practice based on what I’ve learned in these and other Trainings as well as my own Life Experience and Healing Journey, which you can read about over here.

While I am most interested in understanding why you’re here, what your health goals are and how I can support them, I also want to be sure to answer the question of why you might want to work with me . . . what do I have to offer that is unique and specific to your particular healing journey?  

My experience has lead me to believe that the best and most important thing we can do for ourselves is cultivate resiliency in our own personal spaces – bodies, minds, homes, communities.  The modern world is inherently stressful.  So many diseases and chronic illnesses are linked back to stress at some level or another, whether that stress is a chemical irritant, trauma, financial instability, nutrient depleted foods, pathogens or the looming existential threats of climate instability and nuclear war. Cultivating resiliency in our selves, our communities and our landscapes is our most important work as humans at this time.

Also, as I once posted on social media:

Remember:  All the ways we didn’t show up for ourselves are forgivable.  All the times we got lost in the dark forest of our minds are understandable, the path can be overgrown and confounding.  The commitments we make to ourselves can always be re-made.  The agreements can be re-forged and we can always plant new seeds and reclaim the old self-care practices from the tangled mess of abandonment.  The ecosystem of our own health is already inside and even the scorched earth of our worst offenses retains a memory of integrity and how to be whole.  The ecosystem must be tended, nourished, observed and allowed to find its own deep wisdom in relationship to each of us.  We can abandon ourselves and this place again and again, but we can ALWAYS return.  

I would be honored to be your companion on the journey!